As an archer, have you ever felt the chains of an uncooperative body and a mind that second guesses you? It’s a frustrating and helpless feeling, especially during a big tournament, when the stakes are high.
In the archery world, it’s called “target panic”.
As soon as you take aim, your body triggers a reflex that causes your arrow to veer off trajectory. It’s a terrible feeling realizing the gulf between how far you have to go despite your best efforts.
It also has a similar cousin called “tournament nerves”. When a tournament time comes around, archers like you can feel everyone is watching them. This anxiety causes your heart to race, hands to sweat, and focus to evaporate.
Despite knowing how much you’ve trained and how hard you want to perform, it still hits you. One slip and you’ll fall short of your goals, and you’ll regret it.
Target panic and tournament nerves are enough to shake the confidence of even the most experienced archers from all walks of life. Even a professional firefighter who is not afraid to run into a burning building, can freeze on the line at a local indoor archery match! (Just recently had that happen to a good friend at The Vegas Shoot)
But what if you could break through those mental blocks and hit your targets with a new simple System?
Step One: Put Pen to Paper
Step Two: Master Your Breathing
Step Three: Feed the Body
It’s as simple as 1-2-3: Use journaling, breathing and supplementation together as a system for your mind & body, and say goodbye to the tournament nerves and target panic for good.
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